South Kenton and Preston Park Residents Association
How SKPPRA Operate
SKPPRA was formed over 80 years ago and the main goal is to bring the community together and provide a helping hand for the residents whenever possible.
The Aims and Objectives of the Association
Protect the amenities of the South Kenton and Preston Park area
Oppose the erosion of the ‘Green Belt’;
Represent the interests of the majority of members of the Association;
Maintain communication with the London Borough of Brent and any other relevant local authority;
Provide regular information to members of the Association and consult with them as appropriate;
Encourage the interest of residents and businesses in the welfare of our local area, and to provide a medium through which they may express their views on matters of local interest
Work with existing local organisations formed to serve the interests of residents and businesses in the locality of South Kenton and Preston Park, including other residents’ associations.
Ensure planning projects enhance the Community
Collect and donate to local charities
Map of SKPPRA Area